Shreya Bhan
I'm an Artist/ Illustrator/ Print Designer/ Graphic Designer from India, based in London and I have just (FINALLY) dipped my toe into the NFT world. Can't wait to dive in! Here's a little about me!
I have always caged an illustrator in me, but the pandemic pushed me to share my art and let it free.
I'm an introvert, but my mind is constantly buzzing, and I find it difficult to translate all that into words. Instead, I use art, and with that, find sense in the chaos. BrushBound is my way of telling the world that it is ok to be a mess.
It is ok to not have it together. I want women to not just accept and be ok with themselves... but to love themselves. I express a whirlwind of these emotions in bold, eclectic, clashing colours and patterns.
I have dropped two NFT collections and also have a small apparel collection :)